me and my amigo!

me and my amigo!
Katie and Emily

Saturday, April 17, 2010

hello!!!! Sophie ur b;day was soooo fun!so today ive just been hanging watching catch that kid!:) now in syched 4 my b-day coming up!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

birthday, Birthday, birthday

OMG!!!!!!!!!! my birthday party is tomorrow!!!!!!!! We are going to decorate tonight and stuff!!!! I hope everything goes well!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And i am wearing the cutest outfit tomorrow!!!!!!!!! this picture is of me and this girl named Katie (hee hee)!!!!!! she was at my cousin's wedding in Colorado last summer!!!!!!!!! Well bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hi!I just felt like showing you this cute pic of me enjoy!!!:)
Emily's Blog

Well Hi I'm Emily and I am 12 years old! Me and my buds Sophie, Katie, and Lauren all wanted a blog so we got one! A few things about me are lets see.... I am the oldest of 5 children I know big family right???!!! I have 2 cats and 1 dog! I love babysitting, recycling and spending time with my friends and family. My main goal in life is to get to know my savior more... The people I share my life with will always be apart of me! My favorite singer is Taylor Swift! She is my inspiration! One of my favorite things to do is sing! T.T.F.N

LOL :)

Hi!!!!!!!!!!Im so excited that we have a blog OMG !!!!!!!!!!!im kinda hyper ;0 today was a great day.tommarow is going to be awsome why??!
  • tommarow is tag day (the $$$ is suporting the crones foundation...Spencer came up with that idea!:) )
  • tommarow is Mollys B-day party (double digits!)
  • tommarow is Sophies B-day!!!!!!!!!cant wait

I've got to go do homwork so i can go to abaseball game with my daddy!!



Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hey, my name is Sophie and am here on this blog with my friends Emily, Katie, and Lauren! We are BFFEs (Best Friends For Eternity). Emily just called me and told me she had created a blog for us since I can't have Facebook until I am at least 14. And it's my birthday today too! Well I would make this longer, but it is time for dinner so...... Bye!