me and my amigo!

me and my amigo!
Katie and Emily

Friday, March 18, 2011

Gladiator connormsteeley !!!!!!!so like I just looooooove my most beautiful awesome friend uhhh hello?!!Katie!!!;) I can't walkout for brook hill besties!!!did I mention it's one twenty eight in the morning hehehehehe see ya

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sooo guys I like LOVE a guy named sam! We played footsie today call me for details!!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Emily's Entry!!!

Well... hi
why hasn't anyone wrote in the journal lately??? It seems i am the only one!
if you girls are reading this i would really like it if you fulfilled your promises and keep on our journal friendship!! :) i love ya'll!! and someone else! <3 <3 <3
EM!!! <3

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Train - Marry Me

THE PLAN~ By Connor Michael Steely

Plan number one
phase 1: Before recess one day when i stay in I will say I left my book that im reading on logans desk. I will go into the room and take the journal and read it and write it down on a couple of note cards and stick them in my journal thing with all the other stuff in it.
Phase 2: If anyone comes in while i am writing I will say that I accidentily knocked some books off Emily's Desk while i was
coming cack to the classroom if they dont believe me i say that my book was under sydneys desk so i had to get it and while i was, i knocked some books off Emily's desk
Phase 3: When I get back to the classroom I will read until the end of recess and when Hunter gets back I will give him a copy of everything so he can make more coppies and put them in the journal thing.
Phase 4: Once we have enough coppies for us to keep one of each at home , we can show everyone... then the girls!... This will take a couple of weeks to plan and figure out when to exacute the plan ,2/25-10 ( this is the day i took it) This plan will be exacuted Wedensday, March 17th, We will need a couple weeks to figure out if this plan will work , and where the journal is at recess. You can not tell anyone about this plan and if the girls find out , it could be bad, real bad( hehehe (: ) Hunter your part will be to tell Mrs witte that you just want to finish your homework so you will go outside when i leave with the cards in my hand it will be around 12:15-20. That should give you enough time to funish your homework and for me to take good notes.
The End!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Emily's Entry!!!

hi amigos!!
Welll ummmm it looks like tis is my blog and no one elses!!! Soooo yeah
well Michael texted me today! :) But i aam trying to get over him!! Only six more days till V-Day and i still have no valentine... what has my single self gonna do? comment or start a new post to answer!! I really wish you guys would get on so i would no all the drama and stuff goin on with ya'll!! :) MISS YOU BUNCHES!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Emily's Entry!!!

Valentines day is stupid!!
I hate it more then banannas!!!Stupid stupid stupid
Well as you can tell i am not in the valentines day mood! i have a lot of boy drama but there is no point in me writing it on here because u guys dont even know him but if u did you would hate him because he broke my already ducktaped heart... michael if you are reading this then you should be ashamed... i have erased you from my shattered heart...
X freakin O
heart broken, V-day hater

Monday, January 31, 2011

OK u guys as some of u might now i like a certain somone but its top secret!! ;) today we past notes!!:))) hannah likes MIN! hahahaha! lol caroline is maddd! and zack was flirting with me all day! yuck!! well i do know valentines day is just around the cornor!! ahh:) hmmm i wonder if ill have a valentine...;) anyway my day was great! i have no homework so call me!! i miss yall also! byebye- KT
ps: Emily... George likes you!! hahahahah!

Emily's Entry!!!

Hey guys!!
So i have lotz of boy news! There is the most amazing guy! His name is Michael! We have gotten to know EVERYTHING about eachother! He is the sweetest! We texted literally all day yesterday! Well we had some romance going on at the dance didn't we girls? So Connor likes=Me and Lor
Hunter= IDK
Min= of course KT
and then Spencer= Me
Cooper=idk hahaaa
well i miss ya'll uber bad!! Call me!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Omg today was wierd!! george randomly yelled at lucnh "Hunter you still love kt?!"~ it was funny i was like ummmmm ya idk what that was all about of min is being annoying as usual but im trying to be nice. zack likes me ewwwww so ya me neither it will be awesome! ahhhhh! hide ya kid$ hide y@ wife and hide y@ husband Homeboy!! :D

Beautiful Day in Rogers!!

Hola Amigos!!
My day was awesome!! If only you guys were here to complete it! Rogers was actually bearable weather today!! Kennedy my really good friend rode bikes with me!! We walked her dog and just actually had fun! So "Michael Krupka" NEW guy you can stalk!! He doesn't go to KMS (Kirksey Middle School) But goes to Elmwood~ He is really sweet and asked for my number last night! He is my old crushes's cousin! He is really fun and nice! So i will keep you updated! So KT how was Min drama today? And sophie any guys???? :) <3 WEll I miss you guys and can't wait for the dance! I am getting out of school early!! 12:00 and i will be there early!! It is gonna rock! LOVE you guys!! BTW Connor if your reading this your annoying and creepy~ bus as us journal girls do we <3 you!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Emily's Entry!!!

Hello Amigo's,
American Idol is sooooooooooo GOOD!! I freaking LOVE Stephen Tyler!!! :)

OMG it 2011!!! 7th grade ..OMG

OMG i love yall!! i miss yall so freakin much I havent postest on this in litterally like a year! haha omg we r in junior high now and ya I sooooo miss us all at cls! and i cannot wait for this friday!! DANCE!! :)

We are back!!! :D

OMG I miss CLS so badly!! And i miss the journal!!! :D Somebody needs to give it back to me!! :D hahah i miss you!! I can't wait till the dance!! It is gonna be so much fun!! Soph i love you!! NEW JOURNAL!!!1